As preparation I first made some Gerber files with KiCad of a very simple design I had liing around (2 diodes connected in parralell). My curiousity was what you can do with GerbView (Gerber viewer part in KiCad). Weird combination, but it's probably on the roadmap to improve that. File import/export is a very immature funcionality at the moment in KiCad, but I know that Pcbnew (PCB part of KiCad) can export layers (Copper, silkscreen, or any other) as an SVG file, and it can import layers from a. I attached the different steps as a reference.I was curious about that so I had a look. Have fun! I did the whole thing myself in about 5mins. Set the appropriate height to scale your logo (the height won't match the actual height because you will probably not use 100% of the given glyph space). Now select your font and write as string the glyph with your logo on it. Place a string on it and select "True Type font" in the string editor. Once you have your ttf install it and open your PCB. (Note: skip the whole xml editing thing, it is useless) 8. After that, follow this guide (open the pdf): This guide explains how you can edit an svg font and how you can convert it to a ttf.

(if the convertion didn't do good enough edit the parameters until you get a better result or edit the vector image manualy) 7. Drag the vector image a bit to the side and delete the bitmap. Now Inkscape should have converted your bitmap to a vector image which lies ontop of the bitmap. This will open a window with a lot of parameters, just click ok. Press Shift+Alt+B (or Path-> convert Bitmap in the menu). Select your bitmap in Inkscape by clicking on it (you wouldn't have guessed that would you ) 4. (select embed and not linked if it asks). Download Inkscape and open your bitmap in Inkscape. Take your bitmap and preferebly make it black and white (if possible).